About Us

DiscoveryPEN™ is part of a UK based publishing company, Mantra Lingua Ltd, which is the world’s largest publisher of dual language books. It publishes books for the European, North American and Australian markets in English with over 52 languages.DiscoveryPEN™ is a technology where sound is triggered from Paper. This technology has been successfully used in children’s educational resources, labelling for the blind and partially sighted, the birding community and now, in enhancing the experience of visitors to small and medium-sized museums and heritage houses/tours.Mantra Lingua is a publisher with a technological edge.  It has a history of managing and operating within partnerships. Examples of partners:
  • Lake Ledge Naturalist: Specialist in audio interpretation.
  • Publishing: Mantra Lingua, Walker Books, Macmillan Publishing, Barefoot books, Little Tiger Press etc… Making dual language versions of popular picture books, many of which are sound enabled with TalkingPENs.
  • Educational: EU project with transnational project team. Developing “thinking resources”
  • RNIB: Jointly developed the PENfriend specifically designed for blind and partially sighted
  • Imaginox: advised on pedagogy for an on-line film school
  • Kadam: a print and on-line magazine on dance where the print magazine is sound enabled.
The experience in managing partnerships is an important skill we bring to any potential client for the DiscoveryPEN™. We do not just sell the DiscoveryKIT as described on this site, but behind the kit is a publishing support that includes translations (into 52 languages), design and illustration, software for sound enabling, printing. This is important for small venues that wish to create their own tours but have budget limitations. We also work closely with those venues that wish to go through their own tour developers.TalkingPEN is a generic noun for a family of pens including the DiscoveryPEN™. This pen can be used on any other resource published by Mantra Lingua. For further information please visit: www.mantralingua.com.DiscoveryPEN™ Privacy Policy.

"We are very excited to get started. There are so many possibilities. This will really benefit our site."

John Fletcher, Manager of Oral Histories, Anderson House

"This is probably the most accessible trail of people of all kinds of disabilities in the entire state. I really hope it spreads."

Accessibility Coordinator, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources: Fern Trail

"The pilot project has been so successful that the pen will be extended to more galleries and collection."

Paul Sullivan - Museum Access and Inclusion Officer, Bristol

"The audio was great. Very easy to follow and find sites and I am directionally challenged. Excellent guide for all ages. It was very easy to use. I wear hearing aids and I could hear it very clearly. Thankyou for a very interesting tour"

Visitor Feedback - Oxford Botanical Garden

"There is this 'Ah Ha' moment when visitors used the pen. It is magic."

Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden

"We are very pleased with the Discovery PEN - It is an easy way to increase accessibility within the galleries."

Katey Boal - Learning Manager, Culloden Battlefield and Visitor Centre


"The DiscoveryPEN has been very successful in our trial and has received excellent feedback. We have extended its run and will certainly look to use this on a wider scale in the Museum in the future – incorporating different languages too."

British Golf Museum.